The Armor of God
// Heather Williams Katz
At New Missions, we are not only invested in the spiritual growth of our students, but also our teachers and employees.
Starting with a one-day retreat, we recently kicked off a six-week Bible study for our female employees. Twenty-five women participated in this powerful Bible study (in Spanish) about the Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer. We would like to thank Dan and Ronda Kline for purchasing the study books for every woman. Each week, we had groups of women meeting at three of our campuses to watch the videos for the Bible study and have a chance to share with each other how God was using the study in their lives.
The ladies met weekly for discussion and a video that prepared them for their next week of the study. The Bible study started with a one-day retreat where we talked about spiritual warfare and the armor of God.
This Bible study has had a great impact on the women who participated. Many report that it has helped their prayer life and has given them a greater desire to talk to God and grow in their relationship with Him. It also gave them a better understanding of the spiritual warfare going on in their lives and how to address and confront the difficult situations they face—using God’s Word as their guide. ~Heather Williams Katz