Teachers' Workshop
// Rachel DeTellis
Pastor Richard Gay works hard to be an outstanding pastor and school director.
His leadership has made the Masson church and school strong. He wants to do the best he can to see the students succeed and progress well in their education and lives. Recently, he planned a two-day teachers’ workshop for his preschool through sixth grade teachers. The training was done by an instructor from the department of education. There were 15 participants who all said they learned new things to aid them in their teaching.
Nine out of the 15 Masson teachers photographed at the workshop with Pastor Richard Gay (left).
Two of the participants were second grade teacher Vada Joseph, a 2011 New Missions graduate, and third grade teacher Eclesiaste Marcelin, a 2018 New Missions graduate. Vada, who has taught her class for three years, was enriched by the workshop in the areas of math instruction and lesson preparation. Even though Eclesiaste has been teaching for seven years, he felt the training beneficial in science, social studies, and grammar instruction. They would both appreciate future help in French instruction. Pastor Richard says he plans to have another similar workshop in April. We thank God for the great leadership he models to his teachers and staff. ~Rachel DeTellis