Nursing Students
/ Life Change

Nursing Students

Two sisters, Saphtana and Wichelineda Verger, graduated from our high school this year. They are from a family who has “nothing.” […]

November News Update
/ Monthly Newsletter

November News Update

November Podcast
/ Podcast

November Podcast

October Podcast
/ Podcast

October Podcast

Power in Praise
/ Devotions

Power in Praise

There is a story in the Bible about King Jehoshaphat when he ruled over Judah. A great army had formed to attack Judah and the king was gripped with fear. He prayed these words: “Our God, will you not judge them? […]

Christmas for Your Child
/ Campaigns

Christmas for Your Child

Think of a time when you received an unexpected blessing…maybe a time when it just plain knocked your socks off! I have a core memory of receiving a pair of grey boots from my grandmother when I was about eight years old. I opened the box and squealed with delight! […]

 Fruitful Generosity

Fruitful Generosity

“Come, get your name in the Book of Life” was on a banner that hung on the bus that the Bire church rented for their mission trip. Four other churches also sent groups to do ministry in different areas. […]

Growing in Christ
/ Mission Progress

Growing in Christ

The teenage years can be challenging as they go through so many changes. We thank the Lord for our student leadership group and our church youth groups that have been so instrumental in helping teens grow in their relationship with Christ and stay on the right path.  […]

The Pastor's Calling
/ Life Change

The Pastor's Calling

Carnise Durverglas, who goes by her nickname Marie Yves, attended the revival service at Eglise de Dieu de la Dernière in Mariani, Terre Force, Leogane, Haiti. With arms raised, she exemplified the words on her shirt: Blessed. […]

October News Update
/ Monthly Newsletter

October News Update

September News Update
/ Monthly Newsletter

September News Update

Prayer and Fasting
/ Life Change

Prayer and Fasting

Many may think of the summer months as a time to take a break from our daily routine; a vacation. But in Haiti, our churches are doing just the opposite. This year, they have added extra dates and times to their regular prayer services as they earnestly seek the Lord. […]

Baptism in Los Castillos
/ Life Change

Baptism in Los Castillos

Making the decision to follow Christ is the most important choice that you and I will ever make in our lives. When we do commit our lives to Him, one of our next steps is to be baptized to show our commitment and obedience to Him. […]

Shoebox Drive Season
/ Campaigns

Shoebox Drive Season

For the kids of New Missions, they know our Shoebox Drive season is coming. But more important than a box of gifts is the love and prayers sent. We know it’s because of your generosity that our Shoebox Drive is even possible. […]

Praise The Lord!
/ Devotions

Praise The Lord!

On June 26, 2023, I began a 40-day fast from social media. I intended the fast to help me focus on some spiritual areas where I sensed I was lacking. First, I felt I was reading posts on social media more than I was reading pages of my Bible. […]

Summer Camps in the DR
/ Mission Progress

Summer Camps in the DR

The youth ministry in the Dominican Republic was full of energy and excitement this summer as camps were held at all of our locations. The camps were led by our New Missions students within their own communities. […]

September Podcast
/ Podcast

September Podcast

Update on Haiti Crisis
/ Mission Progress

Update on Haiti Crisis

I wanted to share some good news with you in the midst of a crisis. Haiti has been overtaken by corruption, and is currently controlled by gang-led areas in the capital city, Port-au-Prince. […]

Bible Class at School
/ Life Change

Bible Class at School

We went to Haiti in 1983 to preach the Gospel. However, when we arrived in Neply, Haiti, most of the children were not in school. […]

Christian Teachers
/ Life Change

Christian Teachers

It’s 8:00 a.m. and the first class at school is Bible class. Our Christian teachers lead the way in sharing about their personal testimony of following Jesus. […]