Living For Jesus–Oh What Peace
// Jeanne DeTellis Loudon
To know God is to love Him and to serve Him.
“Help me to serve You day by day. ”
When we live for Jesus, and do those little tasks that He prompts us to do, we find peace and contentment. Life is a flash...a blade of grass…a beautiful flower that quickly droops, fades, and passes (Psalm 103:15-16). But, as it says in 1 John 2:17, “The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.” This Scripture is engraved on the memorial bench for Pastor George DeTellis, Sr. (1935-2008). He chose this verse, and his life was a testimony of living for Jesus. Pastor George is with the God of the living. This is a comfort that is precious; a life of following Jesus gives perfect peace.
Salvation through believing in Jesus and living for Him makes each of us a child of God. Most importantly, it brings the peaceful assurance of life after death and a present-day joy as we serve the one we love, Jesus. Matthew 10:39 says, “Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for My sake will find it.”
Recently, I have had six friends pass away: Stacy, Jo, Janie, Rex, Elio, and Dan—ages 48 to 94. Death is our worst, most painful and dreaded life experience. Ecclesiastes 7:2 tells us, “It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of everyone; the living should take this to heart.” I am grateful all of these friends lived for Jesus and served Him.
Ted and I were able to attend only one of the funerals in person in Toronto, Canada—the funeral of Elio Madonia. He was disowned by his family in Sicily, Italy, at age 18 because he accepted Jesus—and God gave him a family around the world. He came as an immigrant to Canada and became successful and wealthy. He lived his last 30 years building 2,000 homes for the very poor in the Dominican Republic. Elio was a child of God—a servant of God. His life and his memorial inspired me even more to live and serve God. I wanted to hear an invitation at the funeral challenging people to give their lives to serving Jesus. During the reception, Ted and I met a woman, Doris, who with tears expressed her heart to serve the Lord. We prayed with her and are confident that with her gifts, she will be a faithful servant of God.
Funerals or celebrations of life services are often touched by the presence of God. They can be a time of encouragement, “Death can’t hold me in the ground!” Jesus is our resurrection and life. We should always be prepared to give the greatest invite for others to say “yes” to Jesus.
It has now been 16 years since I saw them close the casket and place my husband, George, in the ground. More than ever, I want to live for Jesus and serve Him as Pastor George did. I know we can never make death pretty even with the beauty of flowers, music, and life stories. But, we must encourage one another. The Comforter has come. There will be a sweet by and by. Until then, let us live for Jesus because only what’s done for Him will last. ~Jeanne DeTellis Loudon