Vacation Bible School
// Tim DeTellis
With hula hoops twirling and music playing outside, the kids in Masson, Haiti, enjoyed a VBS program that was festive and fun!
Since 1983, our churches have been a location where kids are welcome and have a safe place to learn about Jesus. The struggle parents face is not just what can the kids do while they are on school break, but what is helpful and wholesome for their spiritual development. Vacation Bible School is the answer this summer.
Singing and making memories together is a special benefit of Vacation Bible School.
Does your church host Vacation Bible School? Visit for some fun videos including the song “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus” which our kids in Haiti sing in both Haitian Creole and English. Your kids could learn the song with our kids, and before the end of the VBS week be able to sing the song in Haitian Creole. Your VBS can also collect a special offering to help purchase food for our schools in Haiti. Thank you for considering having your kids help our kids during your VBS program.
Who will you invite to attend VBS at your church this summer?
The kids at your VBS can help the kids at New Missions. Learn more at
Please pray for churches everywhere hosting VBS this summer. Vacation Bible School is the plan for fun, finding new friends, and learning about Jesus. Most importantly, we hope kids discover they are a friend of God. ~Tim DeTellis