Jesus Loves You
// Tim DeTellis
Jesus loves me this I know for my teacher, Marie Neslie Verne, told me so!
Lined up to receive lunch at school, kids see fifth grade teacher Marie Neslie Verne ready to pass out bowls of food. She has a message for the kids ready to enjoy their hot lunch at school, “Jezi renmen ou!” (Jesus loves you). During the week she teaches the fifth grade class where her favorite subject is French. Then, on the weekends, she enjoys singing at church. Christian teachers like Marie help our students experience the love of Jesus.
Students from Lassale are so excited and thankful to open their shoeboxes together.
Teachers like Marie Neslie Verne help pass out the shoebox gifts to students each year. Our kids see your generosity and feel your love as shoebox gifts are passed out at school. It’s a big day of celebration when shoebox gifts arrive on the school campus! Kids begin to giggle and the sounds of boxes opening fill the classrooms with excitement. As they talk about the surprises inside their shoeboxes, the kids will shout: “Look at my doll...I got a flashlight!” Thank you for saying “Jesus loves you” to our students by sending your shoebox gifts. ~Tim DeTellis