School Food Delivery
// Charlie DeTellis
We are expecting the delivery of a three-month supply of food for our schools.
Many roads remain blocked in Haiti, but we do have contacts who can obtain the food for us. The food will be transported by boat to the south of Haiti, and will then be loaded into trucks and delivered to the mission. Years ago, I would price out and purchase the food myself from dealers in Port-au-Prince—saving 50 cents to $1 per sack. Today, we do not have that option. But, we do all that we can to continue functioning in Haiti.
Our schools have drivers come to our warehouse to pick up food supplies.
The students give thanks for their lunch at our school in Signeau, Haiti.
The children in Haiti enjoy attending school and having a cooked meal daily. Many households have a difficult time providing for their families. Haiti has become even poorer in recent years. The population of Haiti continues to grow and there are fewer jobs available. It is our privilege and pleasure to do everything we can to be a blessing to the Haitian people.
Students and families from Lassale, Haiti, received rice to take home and cook.
The local markets remain the best option for Haitians to obtain quality food, and all of the produce is organically grown. I frequently purchase sweet potatoes, bananas, avocados, and okra from the local markets. We are in the process of getting Christmas shoeboxes to the schools to make room for the much-anticipated food delivery. ~Charlie DeTellis