Give Thanks Always
// Rachel DeTellis
We thank God for His presence, favor, and protection in Haiti during this long season of insecurity.
When I asked our pastors what they were thankful for, I realized that many of them had come through major trials with their health, motorcycle accidents, and encroaching gang activity. They are so grateful for God’s help and that their churches and schools are functioning.
Currently, hospitals often don’t have all they need to treat patients, but several pastors are rejoicing for successful surgeries and medical care. Pastor Joseph Eliane from Ti-Boucan was experiencing intense pain. When he went to the hospital, doctors realized he was seriously ill and airlifted him to a better equipped facility where he was admitted and treated for about six weeks. Glory to God...he is home and doing well.
Pastor Joseph Eliane continues to serve after an illness; he’s been Ti-Boucan’s pastor with New Missions for 25 years.
Pastor Fanfan from Callitor is thrilled that he has been able to add some more classrooms to his campus so classes don’t have to meet in the church. What a blessing for his students! Our pastors are thanking God through the hardships and also in the blessings and progress. Thank you for your prayers! ~Rachel DeTellis