Graduation: A Big Deal!
// Rachel DeTellis
According to USAID, less than two percent of Haitians complete high school.
Often, huge sacrifices are made to facilitate a child’s education. We’re thankful for our 75 graduates this year. Two students we interviewed were Monette Dasny and Jackson Louis.
Monette and Jackson are so thankful for their sponsors; Lance Freeman (Monette) and Brian & Jenni Highberger (Jackson).
Monette entered first grade at our Mare-Chal school when she was nine. She lives with her aunt because her father passed away in 2011, and her mother is in another part of Haiti. She likes biology and English. Ever since first grade, Monette has wanted to be a nurse. She accepted the Lord as a child and helps with kids’ ministry and hospitality at church. Jackson entered our Lassale school at age three. He’s thankful for New Missions because his family is poor. He loves math and would like to become a civil engineer. Our Lassale school director, Pastor Rigal, asks all the students to attend church. Jackson used to go alone as none of his family are believers. But it wasn’t until he was 19 that he chose to become a follower of Jesus. We are happy for these students’ spiritual lives and the opportunities that lie ahead for them! ~Rachel DeTellis