Christian Leaders
// Heather Williams Katz
Please pray for our Christian student leadership group as they go on their annual mission trip at the beginning of this month.
Being able to go on this trip every year is an important component of training the students to be servant leaders. The students also have many other opportunities during the school year to serve and practice other skills that make great leaders. They lead chapel services and serve as volunteers on campus to welcome visitors and assist with school events. They also plan and host a number of fun school activities that teaches them about budgeting, time management, and teamwork.
Once a month during the school year, the Leaders for Christ group leads the high school chapel service.
The main assignment the students completed last school year was creating small business plans. They worked together in groups of two or three to come up with an idea for a local business. Each week, they completed another part of the plan and concluded with an oral presentation. This was not only a great teamwork exercise, but it also helped the students think about godly ways to run a business and how they could use a business to have a Christian impact in their communities. ~Heather Williams Katz