38 People Baptized
// Rachel DeTellis
During the month of April, 38 people declared, “Jesus is Lord!” as they participated in believer’s baptism in the ocean at our Concrab campus.
Three of those baptized were New Missions students. Pastor Yaguel, from our Bord-Mer church, was the speaker and Imelda Dantes from our Darbonne church led worship. Many of the other pastors also contributed to the service before going down to the ocean while others performed the baptisms.
Milago standing with her pastor, Jean Etienne Marcelin. His family has given her a home since her mother died.
Two of the New Missions students who were baptized were Milago Lapait and Marilene Duvelsaint. Milago, a seventh-grade student from our Vieux-Court school attends the Mathieu church. Milago remembers her mother (before she passed away) praying for her healing from malaria—which God graciously granted. Marilene, a ninth-grade student at Signeau, comes from another part of Haiti and was sent to live in Lafferonay. Her family is not Christian, and her father practices Voodoo. She is so thankful for the opportunity she’s had to know the truth even though she had to leave her family. We thank God for these changed lives! ~Rachel DeTellis