Love in Action
// Tim DeTellis
Ministry takes proximity. However, sometimes you feel far away from what’s happening.
Behind our home office walls, we answer calls and see the letters sent to our students from their sponsors. Our hearts leap with joy when we hear the stories and see the photos of lives being changed.
Cases of shoeboxes in our Haiti warehouse awaiting distribution to schools.
High school students in Haiti enjoyed the delivery of special shoebox gifts packed specifically for their age group. While we take a new toothbrush for granted, having a new one in Haiti is a special treat.
Our elementary kids love drawing and coloring for their sponsors. Recently, students from our school in L’Acul, Haiti, enjoyed drawing hearts and Bible verses to share how much Jesus loves the little children. Your prayers and encouraging letters to our students are never to be underestimated.
Jesus loves me this I know...for my Bible and teacher tell me so.
A full belly makes a happy child as our students step into their classrooms to enjoy lunch together. Representing the love and generosity of our sponsors, we see the meals we prepare as warm hugs of love to our kids.
Lunch at school is a gift for each of our students, and a blessing to their continued health.
No matter where you live, or how far away from Haiti or the Dominican Republic you call home, the hearts of our students see and hear your love loud and clear. Thank you for helping to provide lunch, love, and gifts to our students.~Tim DeTellis