Live a Life of Impact
// Tim DeTellis
Did you know New Missions does not spend money on advertising?
Our mission is made possible by friends like you who share about our mission to other friends and family. When it comes to accomplishing the goal of spreading awareness, we rely on advocates who volunteer their time to share about New Missions.
Thank you to our advocates, like Tony Geist, who share with their friends how we are helping families flourish.
Standing in front of his Sunday school class, Tony Geist, from First Baptist Woodstock, shared the power of sponsorship to change a life. “I called out each student by name, showed their photographs, and then as a class we prayed for them by name,” Tony said. Then, over the next few weeks, all the students found a sponsor as God moved on people’s hearts. This would not have been possible without Tony as an advocate and using his voice to speak out on behalf of each of these precious children.
Our students are graduating from nursing school and also pursuing other professions to provide for their families.
Advocates Rob and Beth Arms host tables at New Missions events and welcome visiting teams to the Dominican Republic.
Today, I want to invite you to be an advocate for New Missions—specifically to help find sponsors for our students. What does this mean? You would ask a friend or family member to become a sponsor. The easy part is, you can merely share a photo of a student directly from our website. It’s that simple! Together, we can empower the next generation and have a vision that will outlast us. Sign up at and thank you for making an impact. ~Tim DeTellis