Shoebox Gifts
// Jeanne DeTellis Loudon
In October, our children begin to giggle, sing, and wildly imagine about Christmas gifts.
Fantasizing can be a joyful substitute for reality. We thank you for your love to make their dreams come true.
Ruth Crichlow and her friends pack shoeboxes each year from Beyond the Walls Ministries in Port St. Lucie, Florida.
Their parents struggle to survive due to no fault of their own, but due to the political and economic instability and corruption in Haiti. Also, natural disasters add to their daily struggle to survive. This month, my son Charlie (in Haiti) reported rampant inflation, with the cost of some basic food items doubling in price.
Thank you Jacob Knost, Ted Loudon, and Rob Arms for your extra help in loading our cargo containers.
How about we give the joy of Christmas this year that will bless the entire family? When you shop and pack a box for our students, consider including items such as: flashlights (with batteries), ponchos, small umbrellas, pens, pencils (and pencil sharpeners), water bottles, spiral notebooks, socks, underwear, sunglasses and flip flops. They are also in need of hygiene items: toothbrush and toothpaste, bars of soap, washcloth, hand towel, feminine products, hair brush and comb, and deodorant. And last but not least...the children love toys and games. Here are a few suggestions: playing cards, jacks, stuffed animals, balls, dolls, stickers, and lip balm. For a complete list, visit
Our warehouses in Haiti welcome the shoebox gifts for distribution to each of our schools led by our pastors.