Don't Sin And Don't Worry
// Jeanne DeTellis Loudon
Forty years ago, we were negotiating with the Haitian government to send an old 1970 Dodge pickup truck to our mission.
“Go and sin no more.”
The government had a ban on any vehicles more than 10 years old being imported. I was at a family wedding, and shared our challenge with a relative. He eyeballed me with these words, “Be right with God, and He’ll give you everything you need for the mission.” I took these words as a holy command, and prayed on a daily basis—trusting God to provide. Don’t sin; don’t worry.
I remember memorizing this Scripture at age 11, “I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You.” (Psalm 119:11) I came to Jesus and He took my sins away. I was a sinner, but I am still prone to sin.
Both my mother and my grandmother had strokes. Living with long Covid heart symptoms for six months, and elevated cholesterol, my doctor recommended an exam of the carotid arteries. I prayed while the exam was in process. When the exam was over, young Dr. Alicia said to me, “I wish my arteries were as good as yours.” Don’t sin; don’t worry.
Ted and I were invited to a church retreat in Paradise, Pennsylvania. I went in faith with happy anticipation, but also with persistent long Covid symptoms. I spent all day Saturday in bed while Ted graciously spoke at two sessions. At the third and fourth sessions, I spoke for five minutes and Ted finished the session.
At the retreat, I heard a South Korean pastor humbly confess his sinful life. He told us how he would be a follower of Jesus on Sunday, but the rest of the week he’d fall into sin and repeat his behavior week after week. He was at war within and finally sought counsel. The counsel he received was two words, “Don’t sin!” We have the free will and power to choose. The God who lives in us is perfect and holy. “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:16
I looked around the room; what were they wondering? Certainly, an 80-year-old woman is done sinning. Wrong! I confess I am guilty of insulting my Savior, Father, and Creator when I do not trust Him with everything. This results in needless worry that leads to distress and destruction of spiritual and physical health. “Don’t sin, Jeanne!” The arrows of truth hit the bull’s-eye! Or, “Go and sin no more.” Charles Spurgeon said, “God will not allow His children to sin successfully.”
I love the song lyrics to, Oh happy day…when Jesus washed my sins away, and these Bible verses: “Create in me a clean heart, O God.” (Psalm 51:10) “Search me, O God, and know my heart.” (Psalm 139:23)
A billboard advertisement for the Marines on the Pennsylvania highway reads, “Battles are won within.” 1 Corinthians 15:57 says, “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Don’t sin! I remember in Haiti during days of anarchy, no flights or stable government…I would go to bed praying, and then clench my teeth against my lower lip. The consequences were broken blood vessels in my bottom lip. Don’t sin and don’t worry! Lord, help me to be holy. Keep me from being prone to sin. Your power can make me what I want to be. ~Jeanne DeTellis Loudon