Children Are Our Future!
// Jeanne DeTellis Loudon
Parents set an example to influence children into what they will become.
My parents loved missions. Our Sunday dinner table was often graced with visiting missionaries. Our home was open to them even if they had experienced recent diseases. In 1954, my mother suggested I write to the daughter of a missionary, Esther, in the Belgium Congo. My “pen pal” Esther died from malaria that same year and that year, I accepted Christ as my Savior and received a call to missions.
My father, Charlie DiPietro, worked on our first building in 1983 with my nephews Peter Cavallaro Jr. and Joe Cavallaro.
My parents were supportive of my missionary call. They visited the mission field, prayed, and financially supported the mission until their last month of life. They planted seeds in my life and I am sure my life’s calling brought them joy.
Jesus, the perfect Son of God, pleased His father by following His will for His life.
Jeanne holding twin boys from Lassale, Haiti, in 1987. They were named after her husband George and son George, Jr.
Are you training your children to carry the Gospel to future generations? Psalm 45:16 says, “Your sons will take the place of your father,” and in Psalm 71:18 we read, “I declare your power to the next generation.”
Students celebrate “Teacher’s Day” with gratitude for teachers who positively influence their lives.
You’ve heard, “Like father, like son.” Help them prepare to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the next generations. Our children are our future. ~Jeanne DeTellis Loudon