Did I Tell You I Love You Today?
// George DeTellis, Jr.
I enjoy reading older, out of print books that I have to purchase used on eBay. One book usually leads to the next when the author makes reference to a title.
“Thank you Jesus for loving me! ”
Often, the unknown book can be a disappointment. But sometimes you find a diamond. A gem of a book that I discovered is titled All You Need is More and More of Jesus by Andy Arbuthnot. Andy was a merchant banker in the city of London when at the age of forty-one he felt led by the Lord to become an Anglican priest in the Church of England. He continued in his profession, and at the same time pursued training to become an ordained priest. He was given a position assisting in a local parish, but through God’s providence was given the leadership of a ministry called The London Healing Mission. The London Healing Mission did not have services on Sunday. It was a place for people to come for prayer and counseling during the week.
Andy shares some great spiritual insights in this book about his ministry. I share his story with you to give him credit for my words. Andy said, “When people I haven’t met before ask me to pray for them I always ask three questions: Does Jesus love you? Do you love Him? Have you given your life to Him?” After meeting with Andy he would tell them you may not remember everything I told you today, but just remember all you need is more and more of Jesus. Then he would encourage them to acknowledge Jesus’ love for them by declaring throughout the day, “Thank You Jesus that You love me!” He called it the one hundred times prayer.
When my children were in elementary school I would ask them, “Did I tell you I love you today?” Then I would just smile and wait for them to give me an answer to my question. Sometimes they would reply, “Yes Daddy, you already told me you loved me today.” Regardless of their response, I would hug them and tell them again, “I love you” instead of me just telling them over and over. Asking them the question forced them to stop and think, and declare with their own words my love for them. Did you tell Jesus you love Him today?
When Jesus was teaching, one of the Pharisees who was a lawyer asked him, “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And He said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.’” (Matthew 22:36-37) The most important thing in our relationship with Jesus is that we love Him. After Jesus was resurrected and met with Peter and the disciples on the shore, three times He asked Peter, “Do you love me?” Jesus is asking you the same question today.
Andy Arbuthnot says, “If this relationship of love is the most important thing in my life, then it’s the most important thing in the life of people who come to me for ministry. Therefore, whatever problem they come with I always go for this personal relationship of love with Jesus. It is as true for you as it is for me. It is this: All you need is more and more of Jesus.” ~George DeTellis, Jr.