Thankful For Family
// Tim DeTellis
Medical complications led to my mother being faced with a life and death situation. I was the last of eight pregnancies for my mom.
“Life is for service to others.”
Prior to me, my mother had seven children, four who did not survive. The difficulties with her pregnancies may have been a great struggle and pain for her as a mom, but it later became a common bond between her and the Haitian mothers she served and loved in Haiti. It was typical for a Haitian mother to lose their child during pregnancy or shortly after birth. My mother could relate.
Family is something I’m extra thankful for, because I was not supposed to live. Originally, the doctor scheduled an abortion. My mother returned home from the hospital where the Chief of Staff at Boston Children’s Hospital made the recommendation for the abortion. She called her mom to tell her the news and when she hung up the phone, little did she know that her eldest son, George Jr., overheard the entire phone conversation as he sat on the staircase. He walked down the stairs that night and went up to his mommy and said, “If you know the baby is going to die, why not let the baby die on its own like all the others?” The next morning my mother called the hospital and canceled my abortion. I was given the gift of life. However, it was met with complications such as six blood exchanges while still inside my mother’s womb, and another 19 blood transfusions after birth.
Family is a gift and not to be taken for granted. Family says you are safe and welcomed here. Family says you are loved no matter what. Family says you are valuable and we see the best in you and want the best for you.
Family is not only what you are born into...but also adopted into. I could tell you who taught me how to tie my shoes, ride a bike, swim, ski, and whistle. However, none of them were blood relatives, but what I refer to as my adopted family. God’s family. They were all people from church. God sends people to help when help is needed. Today, I see New Missions as a family of God’s people joined together for His mission and purpose to help families flourish. I want to see you and your family flourish.
When you’re missing family, you’re missing out on love, leadership, and legacy. When we are family, we care for one another; that’s love. When we are family, we help each other to excel; that’s leadership. As family, we serve others and that’s our legacy. Life is for service to others.
God spoke and made it very clear how He felt about His son. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17) Will we hear that same voice about our lives?
Will you begin to look at your family and adopted family (those you welcome into your family) with these three words in mind: love, leadership, and legacy? Will you love those God has entrusted into your care? Will you lead them to be better than they see themselves? Finally, will you serve others? As we love, lead and serve, we will have a flourishing family and leave a legacy—because what we give outlasts us. ~Tim DeTellis