Let God Arise!
// Rachel DeTellis
Charlie was converted when he unconventionally prayed, “God, I will try being a Christian for a week.”
In the morning, he woke up changed and sensed the Holy Spirit in his life. Immediately after that prayer he reasoned, “If God’s real, it’s worth serving Him,” not knowing that two years later he’d head to Haiti to serve God. Now, 40 years later, Charlie’s still in Haiti and God’s still at work there changing lives for His glory!
In 2000, Charlie became mission director and recognized it must be God to sustain, grow, and direct the mission.
God has given Charlie courage and faith to continue serving in Haiti. In the early days, Charlie and Ken Carroll were leading a “rara for Jesus.” Raras are musical parading bands typically associated with Voodoo, drunkenness, and carousing. Often violence will develop between different raras trying to occupy the same road. Charlie and Ken were playing drums and singing, “Let God arise, His enemies be scattered...” and they wouldn’t budge when faced with the opposing rara. At that moment God sent a heavy downpour of rain and everyone from the opposing rara ran for cover. I’m so thankful for all who have stood their ground and seen the enemy defeated! ~Rachel DeTellis