40 Years of New Missions
// Jeanne DeTellis
I was called to missions at the time of my salvation in 1954.
As a pastor’s wife for 25 years, I was always on a mission. But my greatest joy was when my feet touched the soil of Haiti. I was ecstatic to be with the Haitian people—communicating the freedom and peace of knowing Jesus. The absence of housing, transporting water from eight miles away, bathing in a stream, and walking the dirt roads were not my focus.
Jeanne DeTellis Loudon had the call to be a missionary in 1954 when she accepted Jesus as her Savior.
What I didn’t realize over the years was that whatever I did, someone was nearby to watch and learn. Discipling is a multiplying factor! Missionaries, short and long-term, were hearing from God and their calling brought them to Haiti. But the greatest blessing was our Haitian children growing spiritually and developing into our present leadership of 508 in Haiti. The same miracle process happened in the Dominican Republic where 81 Dominican people are serving New Missions.
Since 1983, New Missions has educated 39,366 students—to the glory of God.
We are thankful to be led locally with 508 Haitians and 81 Dominicans serving with New Missions.
Today, graduates of New Missions are scattered across Haiti and the Dominican Republic working in churches, schools, and businesses. In addition, former students now live in France, Canada, and the United States—and they are following Jesus and proclaiming the Gospel. We are called to go, disciple, and watch God at work. There are not enough words to honor and thank God for all He has done. ~Jeanne DeTellis Loudon