Read Your Bible
// Heather Williams Katz
At each of our schools, the Gospel is shared daily with our students. One of the ways we do that is by celebrating Bible Day every year.
Normally, the students have special presentations prepared to share during the morning assembly. However, this year, our school director of Colegio Nueva Vida, Keyla Mercado, wanted to do something more special. As she so poignantly states, “We celebrate dates less important than God’s Word. Why not praise Him with a big activity?”
Kindergarten students sharing a part during the program about the power of God's Word in our lives.
For this special day, each class prepared different Bible stories and dramas to share with their fellow students and parents. In the weeks leading up to this school program, the students were reminded daily of how important the Bible is to us and why we should always be reading it. Our continued mission is to help our students and their parents know God better through His Word. We ask for your prayers for our teachers and school staff as they continue to share God’s love with our students and teach them about God through His precious Word to us, the Bible. ~Heather Williams Katz