Bibles for Students
// Rachel DeTellis
How many Bibles do you own? Your spouse? Your children? Honestly, many Haitian homes would love a Bible but don’t have one.
Most people don’t have their very own Bible, but instead have to share. When I am in Haitian churches, I usually notice about one or two Bibles or songbooks per pew. Why this scarcity? Poverty. Not only do they not have many Bibles, but they also have few other printed resources to help them grow spiritually. We want to continue working to change this situation.
Twelve-year-old Jonas Gene, a 7th grade student at our Leogane-Guillaume school, reads from the Bible during chapel services.
The Bible is described as being “living and active.” It’s God’s word to us and is vital for renewing our mind and gaining knowledge of God, ourselves, and how to live. The Holy Spirit gives us understanding and conviction as we read the Bible, and transforms lives as a result. That is why we see Bible distribution as such an important factor.
Emmanitha François (L), Laissa Hilaire (C) and Habigael Jeanty (R) enjoy being able to share a borrowed songbook.
Aly Peter Clermilus has the privilege of using a Bible during chapel; most students don’t have their own.
This spring, we are having a campaign to fund a Bible distribution to our students. We will begin with French Bibles for our older students. Then, we will distribute Haitian Creole Bibles to our younger students. Each Bible donated has amazing potential to change a life. Please consider helping us get a Bible into the hands of as many students as possible. ~Rachel DeTellis