Compel Them!
// Rachel DeTellis
Luke 14:23 says, “Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.”
That’s just what five of our churches did during the month of August. Amidst ongoing unrest, fuel shortages, inflation, the assassination of Haiti’s president, and an earthquake, 120 people chose to leave their homes and labor to help fill God’s house.
Pastor Richard Gay and church members gathered for a service and prayer to send off the team.
The team from Masson took enough food with them for the entire week. The team crossed the mountains fully loaded with personal items, food, Bibles, bedding, and a sound system.
The Masson team went to the Jacmel area for eight days of outreach and revival meetings. They visited 30 neighborhoods for evangelism, and held classes for women, youth, and children. They also distributed hygiene items, clothing, and 100 Bibles to the church members who had none. They loved being used by God for His work!
Joseph Luc Desange, assistant pastor and sixth-grade teacher at our Masson school, has worked for New Missions since 1989.
Our Signeau pastor, Mario Bijou, is thankful for God’s miraculous protection. Their group was in the Les Cayes area when the earthquake hit. All the homes were destroyed except, amazingly, the two-story building where the team was inside! After the earthquake, they assisted and ministered—holding open-air services—and slept outside due to aftershocks. They sense their work there is not finished, and plan to return soon to help meet some physical needs. All of the teams are reporting salvations, lives rededicated, and many touched by prayer, teaching, and worship. The Gospel is a beautiful thing; “compel them to come in.” ~Rachel DeTellis