Love Changes Everything
// Tim DeTellis
Sometimes it takes a new experience to gain a fresh perspective. I’ve been to many weddings prior to the marriage of my son Luc and his bride, Sydney. What are the common ingredients to a wedding ceremony?
“When someone loves someone you love, you cannot help but love that person.”
The bride and groom (obviously), God and Scripture reading, their wedding party, guests, their vows, flowers, food, maybe some music, and choosing the location for the name a few. Yet, the one thing that made this wedding memorable was LOVE. Sure, no wedding is exempt from love, but I saw love from a fresh perspective. I saw love from the perspective of someone loving someone you love.
I grew up in church and knew the Scripture and references to love your bride as Christ loved the church. Even reading Revelation and learning about the bridegroom and the marriage of the Lamb, the analogy of marriage and wedding was utilized to tie the relationship between Jesus and us, His church. However, after attending my son’s wedding, I saw how love changes everything from a deeper perspective. When someone loves someone you love, you cannot help but love that person.
Why did this experience shape me so much? John 3:29 reads, “The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom’s voice. That joy is mine, and it is now complete.” Watching the joy in my son’s life and now my daughter-in-law’s life, I found a kindred spirit to their love for one another.
They had an outdoor wedding at a park, with leaves covering the ground like a custom-made carpet. I wish I could take you to the moment when Sydney was saying her vows to my son, Luc. He was so overwhelmed with love he would sniffle and cry with joy. As I sat on the front row, I saw him dabbing his eyes and wiping his nose with a tissue, then he ever so gently handed it to his best man. We all laughed and felt the joy of the moment. Seeing their love for one another overwhelmed my heart.
Together, as believers in Jesus Christ, we are the bride of Christ. We anticipate the day when we will be united with our Bridegroom. Until then, we live and love Jesus faithfully. Revelation 22:20 reads, “He who testifies to these things says, 'Yes, I am coming soon.’ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.” May we awaken daily in love with our Savior and adoration for His love toward us.
My phone rang and it was Luc, “Dad,” he said. “Sydney and I want to drive to Florida and visit you and Sheryl for Christmas.” Due to their work schedules, they were literally only with us for 24 hours. They visited some family from her side on their way to Florida, so it helped break up the drive from Tennessee. We celebrated Christmas early. Then, the next morning we enjoyed breakfast with my mom, Ted, and other family. Our time together was brief, but precious.
Who loves someone you love? Have you expressed your gratitude for their love toward that person you care about? Love changes everything. It begins with a perspective of how love is truly a gift from God—the source of love. And then together…we share it. ~Tim DeTellis